O.D.E. TROLL – moving and storing trolley

Storing and moving the O.D.E. 1 -chairs made easy.

The O.D.E. TROLL transport and storing trolley for orchestral chairs is specially designed to make moving and storing the O.D.E. 1 –chairs easy, pain-free and smooth.

The O.D.E. Troll trolley is designed with ergonomics in mind, as are all of our chairs. It is small but can carry and store 10 O.D.E. 1 chairs.
It is equipped with a safety belt for the chairs. All four wheels turn and are lockable for safekeeping.

The trolley is easy to handle even in tight places. It can be taken through ordinary doorways and into normal elevators, thanks to its size. The big wheels make it easy to go over thresholds and other obstacles even with a fully loaded trolley.

Stacking the chairs on the trolley is easy. The different height adjustments of the chairs have no effect on the stacking. Thus, the adjustments can be spared for later use.

The O.D.E. -TROLL  features:

  • Up to 10 chairs can be stacked and stored
  • Easy to steer, move and park
  • The chairs can be secured with a strong belt
  • Brakes on all wheels
  • Easy to move on big heavy duty wheels
  • Ergonomically designed
  • Takes up only one square meter of storage space
  • Easy to handle in tight spaces
  • No loose parts
  • Made of durable steel
  • Standard colour red, other colours by request

€ 520,- / trolley

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